
Outlast 2 tvtropes
Outlast 2 tvtropes

outlast 2 tvtropes

The first game and DLC justified the lack of combat by having genetically-enhanced Mooks with Super Strength and Nigh-Invulnerability and a final boss who was essentially impervious to any kind of physical attack.

  • Franchise Original Sin: As noted under It's the Same, Now It Sucks!, the game's lack of offensive options shifts fully into Idiot Ball territory.
  • Ultimately it's just to make the school segments creepier.
  • Faux Symbolism: The school segments have quite a lot of focus on blood, which is bizarre considering they center around Jessica Gray, who died via relatively very bloodless Neck Snap.
  • Ethan is also quite popular too, but virtue of being the only non-playable character so far in the Outlast universe to be a genuine Nice Guy.

  • Despite only appearing sporadically through the game, Marta has become surprisingly popular with the fandom, mostly for her character design, Hidden Depths, and appearing to be one of the few main antagonists who isn't a serial rapist.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Much like Eddie Gluskin before her, some fans absolutely love Val of all characters, completely ignoring the fact that she's a Serial Rapist who derives sexual pleasure from killing babies and instead often talk about how beautiful she is or (somehow) Woobie-fying her.
  • In the original game, this was counterbalanced with Whistleblower, but since no such DLC exists here, many find the main game's ending pointlessly miserable. This reaches its logical conclusion in the ending, with little about the situation being explained, the protagonist once again either dead or in a serious pickle, and Loutermilch apparently getting away with his crimes.

    outlast 2 tvtropes

    All the gratuitous gore and violence quickly starts to feel tiresome instead of scary.

  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: One of the game's major problems, from the tacky, excessive use of rape in many forms, to and from men and women, to the murder of innocent children.
  • Although these were all traits present to some degree in the first game, it's taken Up to Eleven in this one.
  • Cliché Storm: The game uses basically every horror trope there is, with varying degrees of humanoid abominations (ranging from Body Horror monsters to Ambiguously Human), tons of jump scares, cat scares, no way to defend yourself, a Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane situation, an ambiguous Downer Ending, having no way to contact the outside world or escape, implausibly strong killers, an evil influence, a main character with a Dark Secret, and a ridiculous amount of almost over-the-top Gorn (such as the piles of dead babies for a start), far more than even the first game.
  • Contested Sequel: While most consider Outlast II to be a very effective horror game, whether it's a worthy successor to the first game and its DLC tends to be divisive.
  • outlast 2 tvtropes

    Stalking the darkened school is a mysterious suited man, likely a teacher, who eventually appears as a nude Humanoid Abomination with a dozen arms and an Overly Long Tongue, who attacks Blake in extremely invasive and lascivious ways. He is subjected to so many images of Jessica hanging that you'd swear the game developers just learned what a Red Herring is. To wit, in his hallucinations, Blake is repeatedly sent back in time to his old Catholic school the night Jessica died.

  • Captain Obvious Reveal: The fate of Jessica Gray.

  • Outlast 2 tvtropes